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RCM Gallery is committed to localizing Chinese contemporary art and exploring and supporting emerging artists. Our mission is to create a sustainable art space that integrates seamlessly with the local community. Since its inception in 2008, RCM Gallery has become a vibrant and versatile venue for exhibitions, workshops, lectures, and community events in Nanjing.

Rooted in Nanjing's rich tradition and culture, RCM Gallery is committed to fostering new ideas and perspectives through art. We believe that art stems from the generation and collision of innovative ideas and that an artist's work is a third eye for exploring the world.

As an influential independent art space in the Yangtze River Delta region, RCM Gallery organizes a wide range of art activities, covering traditional art, contemporary art, video, poetry, and more. The gallery strongly supports young artists, fostering their growth and showcasing their talents.

Address: 30 Zhongshan N Rd, Gulou,             Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 210008


Tel: 025-83739073

WeChat: NJNSJ43

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